The scope of our activities

SHK Holding Sp. z o.o.

The area of our activity includes the following companies:



Wojskowe Biuro Projektów Budowlanych S.A.

WBPB S.A., located in Wroclaw is a company with many years of experience in the field of design services. The company provides comprehensive design services in the field of investment, renovation and reconstruction at all stages of their implementation.
Starting from study works, program-spatial concepts, through construction and implementation projects as well as a comprehensive summary of expenditure.

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Taskoprojekt has started its market activity in 1968 as an engineering office delivering solutions and designs for diverse industries and since 2011 it is a member of the capital group SHK Holding.
In the last years the company has passed a path of an innovative, intensive and dynamic development. Now we are specialists in building fixtures, robotized cells and car body production lines for the automotive business. Our company has been widely recognized on foreign markets. We are present in Germany, Russia, England, France, Spain, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Romania.

Learn more by clicking here

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 FusioProjekt Sp. z o.o

FusioProjekt Sp. z o.o. is a multi-branch design office consisting of experienced designers with many years of experience. The designers gained their experience working in leading design offices throughout Poland and abroad, designing for the largest chemical and petrochemical concerns such as: PKN Orlen, Synthos SA, PCC Rokita, Lotos, Siarkopol and many others.

Learn more by clicking here

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